Top Ten Tuesday (93)

Posted March 24, 2015 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 6 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top 10 Books From My Childhood That I Would Love To Revisit

Wow, I had a ridiculously hard time narrowing down this list. I read SO many awesome books when I was a child/teen and I would love to revisit practically all of them. Realistically I know this just isn’t a possibility based on my current TBR, but here are the top ones that I will definitely be rereading at some point. I didn’t pick a “full” ten because well… most of these are series, so technically I surpassed that haha.

  Little Women  Little House in the Big Woods  anne of green gables  The New Girl  The Secret of the Old Clock

1. The Little Women series by Louisa May Alcott • The strange thing about these books is that I VIVIDLY remember reading Little Women over and over again (I mean I read it so much my childhood copy fell apart and I resorted from borrowing it from the library again and again) but I can’t remember for the life of me, the rest of this series! I plan on rereading Little Women again this year, and I hope to read the rest of the series again soon (considering I have zero recollection of them haha). 
2. The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder • I NEED to own these books myself and I definitely want to reread these sometime soon. My aunt lent me her childhood copies when I wanted to read them over 20 years ago! I loved Laura Ingalls so much that I dressed up as her for Halloween one year in a homemade dress that my mother made – complete with petticoat! I ADORED her. 
3. The Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery • I am currently reading the first one, and loving it even more than when I read it as a child I think! I love Anne, and this series just warms my heart. I hope to get through it in the next year or so (the whole series). 
4. The Fear Street series by R.L. Stine • While I didn’t own a lot of the Fear Street novels, they were one of my absolute favorite series to pick up when I went to the library. When I was younger I didn’t really pay attention/understand the series aspect so I always read them out of order (much the same as my other series) so I think I missed some of the background stories that continued from book to book. I’d love to read and own of these original Fear Street one day!
5. The Nancy Drew series by Carolyn Keene • This was another of my favorite series as a child. I absolutely devoured these books by the dozen! I would spend a whole weekend just reading book after book, this series is definitely what started my mystery obsession! I have nearly the whole set at my parents house, so they won’t be reread for a while sadly.

And there you go, five series (which amounts to a TON of book) that I am dying to revisit from my childhood! Which book did you pick? Did you love these books as a child as well? Link up!


6 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday (93)

  1. Little House on the Prairie and Nancy Drew!!! My mom used to read us Nancy Drew and when she couldn’t read enough, I took the books and started tearing through them myself. And I was actually homeschooled for three years and we did a whole unit on Little House on the Prairie. Loved those books!

  2. Little House on the Prairie and the Anne books were two of my childhood favourites too! I used to sneak Fear Street books (and Christopher Pike books!) home from the library because my mom didn’t like me reading scary books but I loooooooooooved them! And Nancy Drew! I loved those too. My mom had a whole bunch of the old-fashioned yellow covered ones, but I used to borrow handfuls of the newer ones from the library. I loved how they always called each other “chums.”

  3. Ah, the Nancy Drew Series…this was one of my favorite series through 4-6th grade. I much prefer the originals, not the rewrites, but the rewrites are good, too.

  4. I grew up with my mum reading Little House outloud!! Fond memories. 😉 I was surprised, but we still own the entire set and they’re in really good condition! Hopefully *fingers crossed* My family will give me all the books one day. haha! Here’s my TTT!

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