Top Ten Tuesday(21)

Posted January 8, 2013 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 6 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013

I love this topic. I expect to accomplish so much this year in reading & blogging and since I’ve been reading everyone’s goal posts the past couple of weeks, I’ve been even more inspired to do more! I’ve tweaked this slightly so it will actually be Bookish AND Blogging goals for 2013.

1. Read 115 Books

I didn’t meet my reading goal last year at all(100 books) so you may think I’m crazy for increasing it but I didn’t read much for the first 5 months of last year. I know I can read well over 115 books so to just read at least is a good goal for me. My “life” was crazy last year around the beginning of the year and I really had any time to read… this year, no matter what comes up, it will be a priority to me: I love reading!

2. Read 15 Debut Author’s Books

This is one of the challenges I am participating in this year as well.  I really want to make this a huge goal because I love discovering new authors and supporting new authors.  It’s going to be such an easy challenge this year too I think: there is SO many amazing debut’s this year!

3. Read 40 Books from my TBR Pile

Well it’s not a secret for any of us that our TBR piles are daunting, threatening to fall over and something that often gets neglected for the shiny new releases. I want to change that this year. I have so many books that were MUST reads and they are still just sitting in that pile. I’d like to read at least 25 of the physical books and 15 of my ebooks.

4. A New Blog Design

Offline I have been dabbling in a bit of design myself, trying new things and learning a bit more about design. I’m not sure if I will use that to design my blog or whether it’s just something I’ll use to create small things like I’ve been doing now(social icons, meme headers, etc…). Whether I try to create my own design or hire a blog designer I want a new blog design. I loved this design when I first made my blog, I think for the fact I did everything myself but now I really want something that reflects  me and my personality to the fullest. Stay tuned for that in 2013 🙂

5. Read At least 20 ebooks

Now this kind of ties in with #3 but in total between new acquisitions and oldies I want to read at least 20 ebooks. And I don’t mean e-galleys… actual purchased books. Whenever there is deals on ebooks I go crazy… but since I can’t see them in front of me all the time, I tend to let them go by the wayside.  I need to focus on clearing out my Kindle/Kobo apps!

6. Comment More

This seems to be a popular goal this year! I also want to become more active with commenting.  I read so many blogs and after I read the posts, I simply hit the “x” and that’s that. Sometimes it’s in the back of my mind just how much work goes into creating this posts, writing the reviews and I need to start letting the bloggers know when I love there posts or had reactions when I read there discussions!  Become more active!

7. Organize my Goodreads

Sometimes I get a little bit excited on Goodreads and just start adding everything. Let’s be honest… I’m not going to read everyone on there. I currently have almost 1000 TBR titles and that is only up until this year. What will that look like in the future? Nuts. I have to sort through it because I know not all of those books I will be reading. I also want to redo some of my Goodreads shelves and add some more genre shelves.

8. Have/Participate in more Discussion Posts

I am an avid “silent” reader of discussion posts. I absolutely love them, and I squeal a bit when they show up in my reader. I want to have a few of my own discussion posts & I certainly want to participate in the ones I’m reading

9. Listen to at least 5 Audiobooks

I have a few audiobooks and I’m not sure why I neglect them so. Wait yes I do… I turn them on and then get distracted and lose parts of the story. This year I want to put them on my iPod so they are playing right in my ears and I wont get distracted. They are a great way to “read” while doing other things, I just need to get into them!

10. Don’t stress about blogging & Don’t stress about reading

Big problem for me in 2012. I am a stresser. By nature I just feel like I thrive under pressure. I actually do thrive under pressure. I need to stop… it’s not healthy and I shouldn’t be stressing anyway about something that is enjoyable for me! I started in December scheduling my posts approx 2 weeks out and that has so far worked really well for me. I don’t have to get home from work and worry about creating my post for the following day. I can actually relax, read & go through my reader. I also stressed a lot about the books I need to read. In 2013… If I don’t read it, I don’t read it. And that’s all. I’ll catch up some day 😉

And that’s all folks. Of course I’ll probably think of a bazillion more now that it’s all said and done but oh well, those 10 goals will leave me a satisfied person in 2014 if I can complete them all 🙂

What are your goals?

Happy Reading!
xo Lauren

6 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday(21)

  1. Excellent list of goals! Think that #10 is the most important, as I tend to stress myself out and forget sometimes that blogging is supposed to be fun. I’m also working on #6, as I’m trying to get more involved in the blogging community by commenting more. Good luck, and have a great year!

    • Lol… the funniest part about that goal is that TTT is actually one of the worst memes for it, I’m always finding new books to add lol.

      Thanks Ula!

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