I’m Lauren, I’m 26 and from Canada. I was born on raised on the east coast(Nova Scotia) but am currently living in Toronto
I started blogging because well, I love books 🙂 I’m a true book lover and have been for as long as I can remember. Most of my friends aren’t crazy book lovers so this is a place where I can share my love with others that actually enjoy the bookish rambles 😛 This is not a serious place at all… there will be ranting and a whole heck of a lot of squeeing!
I love a lot of genres and types of books, the first being(obviously) Young Adult. I enjoy contemporary, romance, dystopian… I could go on for ever. For more info about my favorite series, see below for some of my favorite series.
Aside from books & blogging I enjoy coffee, makeup, movies, reality tv, spending time with my boyfriend and my cat, Simon, organizing & cleaning believe it or not 😛
That about sums it up, I wish I could say I am insanely interesting with loads of hobbies but in fact that’s not the case, 🙂