Author: Lauren

Review: House of Ivy & Sorrow by Natalie Whipple

Posted April 18, 2014 by Lauren in Review / 2 Comments
Review: House of Ivy & Sorrow by Natalie Whipple

Pages: 352Publication: April 15th 2014 by HarperTeen Series: N/A – Stand AloneSource: Harper Teen via Edelweiss Amazon • TBD • Goodreads Josephine Hemlock has spent the last 10 years hiding from the Curse that killed her mother. But when a mysterious man arrives at her ivy-covered, magic-fortified home, it’s clear her mother’s killer has finally come to destroy the rest of the […]

Top Ten Tuesday (65)

Posted April 15, 2014 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 4 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Well… finding bookish things that I’d like to own was not the problem, narrowing it down was! I have entire boards on Pinterest just for bookish things and I often spend hours combing through Etsy looking for bookish items! Someday maybe I […]

Review: Great by Sara Benincasa

Posted April 13, 2014 by Lauren in Review / 13 Comments
Review: Great by Sara Benincasa

Pages: 272Publication Date: April 08th 2014 by HarperTeen Series: N/A – Stand AloneSource: Harper Teen via Edelweiss Amazon • TBD • Kobo • Goodreads Everyone loves a good scandal. Naomi Rye usually dreads spending the summer with her socialite mother in East Hampton. This year is no different. She sticks out like a sore thumb among the teenagers who have been summering (a verb […]

Cover Reveal: Moments of Julian by Keary Taylor

Posted April 10, 2014 by Lauren in cover reveals / 3 Comments

Moments of JulianbyKeary Taylor Expected Publication: May 06th 2014Add it on Goodreads!*Cover reveal hosted by Xpresso Book Tours* It was just a work party, filled with kissing the well-dressed rear ends of clients and fake smiles. Until my boss accused me of something I didn’t do. Until I got pissed and then there was this […]

Review: Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell

Posted April 9, 2014 by Lauren in Review / 7 Comments
Review: Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell

Pages: 288Publication Date: April 01st 2014 by Katherine Tegan Books  Series: N/A – Stand AloneSource: Katherine Tegan Books via Edelweiss Amazon • TBD • Kobo • Goodreads Rule One—Nothing is right, nothing is wrong.Rule Two—Be careful.Rule Three—Fight using your legs whenever possible, because they’re the strongest part of your body. Your arms are the weakest.Rule Four—Hit to kill. The first blow should be the […]

Top Ten Tuesday (64)

Posted April 8, 2014 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 15 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic was hard for me. I normally read within the same genres so nothing really stands out as unique anymore. I’ve chosen books that while may not be unique to you, really stood out to me because I haven’t seen […]

March Wrap Up

Posted April 6, 2014 by Lauren in wrap up / 10 Comments

Oh, boo 🙁 Spring is here and Winter is officially over! Although I’m not sure about elsewhere but the cold is still popping up around here every now and then, and it makes me happy. I’m seriously dreading the warm weather, but I’m hoping since we are moving to a different area that I might […]

Stacking the Shelves (72)

Posted April 5, 2014 by Lauren in Stacking the Shelves / 28 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books! Happy Saturday 🙂  This week was a rough one, but luckily it went by fairly quickly. My entire work place is just over come with sickness, everyone […]

Review: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward

Posted April 4, 2014 by Lauren in Review / 9 Comments
Review: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward

Pages: 393Publication Date: November 06th 2005 by Signet Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #1Source: Purchased at Indigo Spirit Amazon • TBD • Kobo • Goodreads In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none […]