Author: Lauren

April Wrap Up

Posted May 1, 2013 by Lauren in 2013 recaps, wrap up / 7 Comments

Well April is over… and Summer is officially on its way šŸ™ Haha.. I just cannot stand the heat and I’m dreading it coming in May(which is inevitable, because Toronto gets SOOO hot starting in May). I’ve filled my calendar to the bring in the upcoming months to occupy my time and wait for Fall […]

Top Ten Tuesday (37)

Posted April 30, 2013 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday, Uncategorized / 7 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is Ā a weekly meme created byĀ The Broke and the Bookish. Ā This was HARD.. I’m serious I found it sooo difficult!! And also just because I buy or pick up these books doesn’t mean I’ve read all of them yet šŸ˜› AND I could only get to 9… this was really hard because […]

Book Blogger Confessions (7)

Posted April 29, 2013 by Lauren in Book Blogger Confessions / 14 Comments

Book Blogger Confessions is a meme posted twice monthly(1st & 3rd Monday) where book bloggers share, discuss & confess book & blog related topics.Ā Hosted byĀ For What It’s WorthĀ &Ā Midnyte Reader. Hot Topics in the Blogosphere: Amazon Buys Goodreads, The Death of Google Reader & What do we owe authors?   I am so torn on Amazon […]

Novella Review: The Queen’s Army by Marissa Meyer

Posted April 28, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 4 Comments
Novella Review: The Queen’s Army by Marissa Meyer

Pages:Ā 18Published: November 23rd 2012 by Tor.comĀ Series:Ā Lunar Chronicles #1.5Source: Purchased on Amazon Goodreads It is time. The boy must leave his family to serve in the Queen’s army. To be chosen is an honor. To decline is impossible. The boy is modified. He is trained for several years, and learns to fight to the death. He […]

Stacking the Shelves (43)

Posted April 27, 2013 by Lauren in Stacking the Shelves / 27 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted byĀ Tynga’s ReviewsĀ where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books! Happy Weekend šŸ˜€ I have SOOO much to do this weekend… I’m not sleeping I’ve decided, lol. I have taxes… bleh; I leave those always until the […]

Novella Review: Glitches by Marissa Meyer

Posted April 25, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 0 Comments
Novella Review: Glitches by Marissa Meyer

Pages:Ā 16Published: December 05th 2011 by Tor.comĀ Series:Ā Lunar Chronicles #0.5Source: (free) GoodreadsĀ  Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. Sheā€™s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsisterā€™s illness. In ā€œGlitches,ā€ a short prequel story to Cinder, we see the results of that illness play out, and the […]

Review: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Posted April 24, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 5 Comments
Review: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Pages:Ā 345Published: January 01st 2009 by BroadwayĀ Series:Ā  N/A – StandaloneSource: Purchased at Coles Amazon | TBD | Chapters/Indigo | Kobo | Goodreads “I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ.” Libby Day was seven when her mother and two sisters were murdered in ā€œThe Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas.ā€ As her family lay dying, […]

Top Ten Tuesday (36)

Posted April 23, 2013 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 10 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is Ā a weekly meme created byĀ The Broke and the Bookish. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to focus on more or less so I did 5 of each! I tried not to go back too far, so most of these books are ones I’ve read in the past 8 months. Normally I […]

Tour Review: Aberrant by Ruth Silver

Posted April 22, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 0 Comments
Tour Review: Aberrant by Ruth Silver

Pages:Ā 240Published: April 17th 2013 by Lazy Day PublishingĀ Series:Ā Aberrant #1Source: From Author for Tour Amazon | B&N | Goodreads In the future Dystopian society of Cabal, the government instills equality for all and offers its citizens the perfect system. There is food, shelter and jobs for everyone. The one requirement is to follow the rules without […]

Review: Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins

Posted April 21, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 1 Comment
Review: Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins

Pages:Ā 352Published: March 13th 2013 by Disney HyperionĀ Series:Ā Hex Hall #3Source: Purchased by Indigo Spirit Amazon | TBD | Chapters/Indigo | Kobo | Goodreads Hailed as “impossible to put down,” the Hex Hall series has both critics and teens cheering. With a winning combination of romance, action, magic and humor, this third volume will leave readers enchanted. […]