Author: Lauren

Stacking the Shelves (40)

Posted April 6, 2013 by Lauren in Stacking the Shelves / 9 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books! Hi Everyone 🙂 Happy Saturday and weekend! It was a tough week for me… I was horrifically cranky at work all week and very headachey; Turns out […]

Review: Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Posted April 5, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 4 Comments
Review: Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Pages: 323Published: March 02nd 2010 by Disney Hyperion Series:  Hex Hall #1Source: Gifted from my Secret Santa, Megan! Amazon | TBD | Chapters/Indigo | Kobo | Goodreads Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It’s gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie’s estranged father–an elusive […]

Review: Entanglement by Dan Rix

Posted April 4, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 1 Comment
Review: Entanglement by Dan Rix

Pages: 265Published: November 16th 2012# in Series: N/A – StandaloneSource: Author for review Amazon | Goodreads  “…the scientific explanation is quantum entanglement, whereby the boy and girl—even when separated by great distances—react instantaneously to changes in each other’s states…” —Dr. Casler Selavio, on the entanglement of halves. In a world like ours, humans are born in […]

Top Ten Tuesday (33)

Posted April 2, 2013 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 12 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.  Oooohhh dear. This topic… if I could only express in words how I feel about my book boyfriends <3 I get so emotionally attached to some characters I feel as if they are MINE so this is the absolute perfect topic. Although […]

Book Blogger Confessions (5)

Posted April 1, 2013 by Lauren in Book Blogger Confessions / 8 Comments

Book Blogger Confessions is a meme posted twice monthly(1st & 3rd Monday) where book bloggers share, discuss & confess book & blog related topics. Hosted by For What It’s Worth & Midnyte Reader. How does blogging affect your *real* life? Are friends and family supportive? Do you find that blogging cuts into family time? How do you strike a […]

March Wrap Up

Posted March 31, 2013 by Lauren in wrap up / 0 Comments

Happy Easter everyone 🙂 Boyfriend and I will be having a low-key one this year… it’s quite warm, so I don’t especially want to be cooking so we are going to have a movie & pizza day! March was a busy month for me. Work was quite frazzling so I was a little stressed… it […]

Stacking the Shelves (39)

Posted March 30, 2013 by Lauren in Uncategorized / 44 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books! Phew. What a busy week! First of all HAPPY LONG WEEKEND 😀 I am sooo pumped to have a few days off, I’ve been exhausted as of […]


Posted March 29, 2013 by Lauren in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hi Everyone! Please excuse any wonkiness over the next couple of hours 🙂 I’m switching themes & changing quite a few things so it might look a bit weird!!! P.S. That’s why I have been MIA… I’ve been doing some background-ness on the blog!

Top Ten Tuesday (32)

Posted March 26, 2013 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 17 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Top Ten  Books I Recommend The Most What an awesome topic. If there is one thing I do… it’s chatter on and on about books in my day-to-day life. I’m constantly throwing out recommendations to anyone that will listen and now people […]