Author: Lauren

Stacking the Shelves (38)

Posted March 23, 2013 by Lauren in Uncategorized / 19 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books! Hi everyone 🙂 Honestly, I am beyond excited for this weekend… it’s Bloggiesta!!! I am also hosting one of the mini challenges and plan on working on […]

Review: Raven by Lauren Oliver

Posted March 20, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 4 Comments
Review: Raven by Lauren Oliver

Pages: 50Published: March 5th 2013 by HarperCollins# in Series: #2.5 in Delirium SeriesSource: Purchased on Kindle Amazon | Kobo Summary from Goodreads: “This captivating 50-page digital-original story set in the world of Lauren Oliver’s New York Times bestselling Delirium series focuses on Raven, the fiery leader of a rebel group in the Wilds. As a […]

Top Ten Tuesday (31)

Posted March 19, 2013 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 14 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Top Ten Books I HAD To Buy…But Are Still Sitting On My Shelf Unread  Ohhhh my. Is this topic not the story of a book blogger’s life? I feel like every time I see a book now I HAVE TO HAVE IT! […]

Book Blogger Confessions (4)

Posted March 18, 2013 by Lauren in Book Blogger Confessions / 12 Comments

Book Blogger Confessions is a meme posted twice monthly(1st & 3rd Monday) where book bloggers share, discuss & confess book & blog related topics. Hosted by For What It’s Worth & Midnyte Reader. “What is important in design for the blogs you follow? What features/elements do you appreciate? What are big turn off’s?” Design itself is not the first […]

Review: Escape Theory by Margaux Froley

Posted March 17, 2013 by Lauren in Review / 1 Comment
Review: Escape Theory by Margaux Froley

Pages: 256Published: March 12th 2013 by Soho Teen# in Series: #1 in Keaton School seriesSource: Soho Press via Edelweiss Amazon | The Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo | Kobo Summary from Goodreads: “Sixteen-year-old Devon Mackintosh has always felt like an outsider at Keaton, the prestigious California boarding school perched above the Pacific. As long as she’s […]

Stacking the Shelves (37)

Posted March 16, 2013 by Lauren in Uncategorized / 8 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books!  Hi Everyone 🙂 I’m not going to be spending AS much time online this weekend as normal, it’s the readathon 🙂  I also am home by myself […]

Take Control of Your TBR Pile Read-a-Thon

Posted March 15, 2013 by Lauren in read a thons / 0 Comments

Whhooooooo! It’s here 🙂 I’m so pumped for another readathon: The Take Control of Your TBR Pile Read-a-thon! To see my goals & updates please go here… and to sign up yourself hop over to Caffeinated Book Reviewer!!!! I’m most likely going to be less active this weekend especially during Stacking the Shelves(but don’t worry… […]