Series: To All The Boys I've Loved Before
Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on May 26th 2015
Pages: 352
Source: Borrowed from the Library
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My Rating:
Given the way love turned her heart in the New York Times bestselling To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, which SLJ called a “lovely, lighthearted romance,” it’s no surprise that Lara Jean still has letters to write.
Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter.
She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever.
When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?
In this charming and heartfelt sequel to the New York Times bestseller To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, we see first love through the eyes of the unforgettable Lara Jean. Love is never easy, but maybe that’s part of makes it so amazing.
After completely falling in love with To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the sequel so I immediately requested it from the library and cracked it open the second I finished my review! If you haven’t read the first book I would certainly stop reading now if you don’t want to be spoiled 🙂
First things first, I am SOOOOO Team Peter and Lara Jean. My gosh, this relationship <3 I adore the two of them together and Genevieve can just go away *shoos away*. I wasn’t so happy to see Lara Jean’s old “love” interest back in the picture. I mean, sure, he’s a sweet boy, and so nice to Lara Jean but really… I’m just so pro Peter that it’s impossible for me to accept another relationship 😛
I wasn’t so happy that I didn’t see Josh as much in this book. I really liked his relationship with the family, Margot aside, so I was hoping that it would loop back around and he would make a few more appearances, but alas not everything goes my way :/ Although now that I know there is a third book (see below!), I’m really hoping that Josh and Margot will end up back together.
I think the main reason I love these books so much is just the Song/Covey family dynamic. I just adore this family. Their dad is top-notch and so cute. KITTY IS THE BEST CHARACTER EVER. Seriously, how does this child steal the show? She is amazing. I want her to have her own spin-off – she’s hilarious.
I was so sad that I’d finished with this series. I loved Lara Jean and Kitty SO much and I felt almost deflated that I was finished with this series! THEN I CHECKED GOODREADS AND SEEN THERE IS ANOTHER SEQUEL! If it wasn’t late at night I would be screaming and arm flailing but I certainly am on the inside. I NEED more of these girls in my life. There is just something with these characters that warm my frigging heart. I will be purchasing both of these books in hard copy, and certainly preordering Always and Forever, Lara Jean!
I adored P.S. I Still Love You too! I like the direction Jenny Han took with the story because it felt realistic and thoughtful, and it just allowed the characters to grow and learn and make mistakes – and choose what felt right for them too 😉
I finished this book today, I really liked how Han handled the love triangle situation. It just seemed so realistic to me because there was a point in my life when I was conflicted over two different guys. It just worked, although I was a little sad for the one she didn’t choose. :'( He can be my book boyfriend. lol
I also really liked the Gen situation. Again, very realistic. I couldn’t really argue with it because that really does happen.
Great review, Lauren. It makes me want to read the book again, even though I just finished it a few hours ago. lol
I actually have very similar thoughts as you Lauren! As much as I am Team Peter, I found him very suspicious most of the book when it had to do with Genevieve (who I also absolutley hate, even after we were supposed to feel “sorry” for her).
I was also glad we didn’t see much of Josh either! I felt like he is such an annoying distraction!
I’m so excited for book #3!!!