Pages: 273
Published: May 06th 2013
Series: Mine #1
Source: From author for review
Serena knows a few simple things. She will always be owned by a warlock. She will never have freedom. She will always do what her warlock wishes, regardless of how inane, frivolous, or cruel it is. And if she doesn’t follow the rules, she will be tarnished. Spelled to be bald, inked, and barren for the rest of her life—worth less than the shadow she casts.Then her ownership is won by a barbarian from another country. With the uncertainty that comes from belonging to a new warlock, Serena questions if being tarnished is really worse than being owned by a barbarian, and tempts fate by breaking the rules. When he looks the other way instead of punishing her, she discovers a new world. The more she ventures into the forbidden, the more she learns of love and a freedom just out of reach. Serena longs for both. But in a society where women are only ever property, hoping for more could be deadly.
You Are Mine was such a different read for me. I don’t read a lot of fantasy, and the ones I do attempt more often than not I put down. The worlds and plots are too complex and often I don’t connect with the characters. You Are Mine definitely did not fall into that same category. I instantly fell in love…
When I read the synopsis I was instantly intrigued. Witches and magic are two of my favorite topics and the fact that females are owned by the warlocks when they come of age was interesting me.
I absolutely adored Serena. I loved her spite, her determination and the fact that she did not let her decisions be impacted by the fact that she was “owned” by a warlock. I also really loved her sisters, their relationship was so endearing and the way Serena was constantly looking out for them warmed me. I LOVED Katherine… the second she came into the story I adored her. I loved how she was an outlet for Serena to “confess” to AND I also loved Waverly. Honestly, I really enjoyed most of the female characters. Even though they lived in a society where woman were chastised frequently, belittled and treated terribly these were some strong woman! I also took an instant liking to Zade. I knew there was something different about him immediately and I loved to watch Serena and him slowly become closer.
The world building was interesting to me. One thing I appreciated was there wasn’t an information dump straight away; it’s one of the other reasons I don’t normally enjoy fantasy… all of these new concepts are thrown at you, it’s a lot to take in. I thought the dominant male society with woman being sold was definitely different from I’ve read. They had to wear face paint, be at their masters beck and call and wear really revealing clothing. I did wish there was a bit more explanation into the world but I believe the second book will lead us into more world building. It also involved two separate societies and countries so I’m certain there is more to be learnt about this interesting world.
The story itself was fairly fast paced and even during the slow points you just had to keep reading. As the story was entirely unique to me I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next and what twists were going to be thrown in.
I was pleasantly surprised by the ending, It was very complete but still left room to continue for the second book. I can’t wait for the sequel, I’m very interested to see what Serena will be up to now that she has a bit of freedom Highly recommend to fantasy lovers and especially if you like a bit of a love story!!
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