Happy Saturday everyone! Phew… this week was a whirlwind! My Mom was up since Wednesday due to a conference so was busy running back and forth between work, home, and her hotel. Somehow… amongst all of that craziness I still managed to get too many books, lol. No picture again this week as I only have two physical books. All covers link to Goodreads.
Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received that week, whether it be physical books or electronic books!
Physical Books
*Books purchased myself


I am really excited about these titles. I requested Dearly, Beloved thinking it was the first in the series and then when I got approved I realized it’s the second so I quickly picked up the first book from Kobo. The cover is amazing!! Also Amazon & Kobo has some great books on discount this week so you should really check them out!
What did you guys get this week?
Happy Reading,
xo Lauren
Nice picks! broken & dearly, beloved look great! can’t wait to see your review to see if they’re worth picking up.
Rola @ xo’reads
Thanks Rola! I’m hoping to have Dearly, Beloved read by the release date but we will see-I am currently reading the first book and they are both over 500 pages 😛
Thanks for stopping by!
Looks like you got some great books this week! Masque of the Red Death, Under the Never Sky, and Dearly Departed are all great reads! Hope you enjoy!
Thanks Kapri! I have heard so many great things about these ones so I’m really looking forward to them!
Awesome haul this week! Under the Never Sky is honestly one of my favorites ever. I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading 🙂
Thanks for dropping in Krista!
I have only heard one bad review about Under the Never Sky, everyone else says it’s amazing so I hope I agree 🙂
I really enjoyed Dearly Beloved. Great haul of books. Come visit me as well.
I’m just getting into Steampunk and Zombies so this is going to be a good test run to see if I really do like them both 🙂
Thanks Grace!
omg Halo is amazing!!! You have to read it!!!! 😀
Awesome books this week! Hope you enjoy them all:D
*New follower*
Check out my blog http://chantel-law.blogspot.co.uk/ for my stacking the shelves and GIVEAWAY 😀
Thanks for the follow Chantel!
I picked up Halo on a whim as it was on discount at Chapters. When I asked the lady where it was as I seen it on the website on sale, she almost had the same reaction! She was like THIS IS SO AWESOME READIT! lol. Glad to hear it’s so good.. I’m really looking forward to it 🙂
Masque of the Red Death is so freaking good and not my typical thing but I loved it anyway! And I loved Under the Never Sky too! Hope you enjoy 🙂
Tara @ Hobbitsies
Hi Tara, thanks for stopping over!
Masque of the Red Death is actually my normal go to genres either but it was on discount and I really need to branch out so I got it on whim. I’m glad to hear it was awesome!!! I’m looking forward to it after so many great reviews.
Awesome haul! I loved Dearly, Departed & Dearly, Beloved!!! They are soooo good! I also enjoyed Torment & Masque! Hope you enjoy all your books!!!
My StS
Thanks Brittani!
I’m looking forward to reading all of them… and it doesn’t help they all have beautiful covers too 😛 lol
Dearly Departed and Masque of the Red Death have both been eluding me. *Sigh* At least one of us got it, right?!
Haha I’m a new follower, and I’d love it if you visited me 🙂
Thanks for following 😀
That’s what sucks about so many good books coming about… too little time !!!
Ooh, can’t wait to see what you think of Dearly, Departed. 🙂 I still haven’t gotten round to reading it yet! Great book week, Lauren. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by over here as well Randi!
I’m currently reading Dearly, Departed and it’s interesting-different than everything I’ve read so far!