Stacking the Shelves (41)

Posted April 13, 2013 by Lauren in Stacking the Shelves / 18 Comments

Stacking the Shelves
Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books!

Hi Everyone 🙂 I basically have nothing to say this week 😛 I had a pretty boring week, lol. Winter is just fighting to keep spring away this year it seems. We had another storm(ish) thing here the past couple of days and believe it or not, I am actually kind of over this weather. Normally I love rain, snow, drabby weather but I think it’s even wearing on me! I’m going to do some spring cleaning this weekend though so I think that will put me in a much better mood; I always love doing a major cleaning spree and I think this weekend will be perfect. It’s supposed to be rainy all through the weekend so what a better time!! Anyhow.. onto the books…

Physical Books

Spell Bound  Come Home
Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins
*Purchased at Indigo Spirit
Come Home by Lisa Scottoline
*Purchased at Indigo Spirit


My Ex From Hell  Wide Awake
My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling
*Free on Kindle
Wide Awake by Shelly Crane
*Purchased on Kindle


For Review
Yellow Socks and Blood Spots  Aberrant  The Truth About You and Me  No Angel  School Spirits
Yellow Spots and Blood Spots by Bailey J. Thompson
*From author for tour
Aberrant by Ruth Silver
*From author for tour
The Truth About You & Me by Amanda Grace
*From Flux via Netgalley
No Angel by Helen Keeble
*From HarperTeen via Edelweiss
School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins
*From Disney Hyperion via Netgalley

Holy Smokes… After several weeks of trying very hard to not obtain books I clearly just blew it in one shot 😛 I had this urge to pick up Spell Bound last night before I went home because I was currently reading Demon Glass and I’m so glad I did! It ended on such a cliffhanger and I immediately needed to start reading Spell Bound. I also picked up Come Home because I am really trying to keep reading my favorite adult authors, it’s so hard with so much awesome YA around though! Wide Awake & My Ex From Hell really caught my eye last weekend so I got those two ebooks… because obviously I need more ebooks(Not.). I am SOOOOO freaking excited about my review books. I can’t wait to start reading my two tour books! My stop for Aberrant is on April 22nd, so be sure to stop back but the stop for Yellow Socks and Blood Spots is not until June. Bailey J. Thompson is from Ontario so I was over the moon to participate in her tour. The Truth About You & Me and No Angel looked amazing so I couldn’t resist requesting… and I requested School Spirits for fun, Disney has never approved me before but I figured I would give it a shot and THEY APPROVED ME 😀 I almost did backflips when I seen it after work  !!!! I am so excited to read all of these books… I need more TIMEEEEEE!

What did everyone get this week? Please link up your posts!!!

xo Lauren

18 responses to “Stacking the Shelves (41)

  1. I really enjoyed Hex Hall when I read it, but I’ve still yet to pick up Demon Glass. Eventually, though! And then I’m sure I’ll quickly continue with the rest of Rachel Hawkins’ books.

    • Demon Glass was BETTER than Hex Hall so I highly recommend it! I love when second books turn out better than the already-great first book 🙂 Thanks for stopping in Shoshanah!!

  2. I still need to read Hex Hall. It’s one of my challenge books for the Witches and Witchcraft challenge. June is going to be my month to read only what I want, when I want (no reviews scheduled, yay!), so I’m thinking that’s when I’ll finally be able to get to it. 🙂

    Happy reading, Lauren!

    • Oh that’s awesome Merin! I definitely recommend getting the entire three books… Hex Hall(ironically because it’s usually the opposite) was my least favorite of the three; Demon Glass and Spell Bound you cannot put down so I would suggest having them on hand!!!

  3. Wow! Great haul!
    I really want to read Spell Bound, too. I thought I was the last person in the world who haven’t read it yet…
    The Truth About You & Me sounds AMAZING too. I really want to get an eARC of it too!! I am searching for it on Netgalley.
    I’m a new follower via Bloglovin.
    Be sure to stop by my STS. Please follow back! Thanks ^^

    Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl

    • You are definitely not the last person, lol. I actually just finished it and it was amazing so you should really pick it up 😀
      Thanks for following Sapirs… I just followed you back !!

  4. You got some great ones Lauren! I got My Ex and Wide Awake too! 🙂 Can’t wait to read them both. I also have the Hex Hall series on my Nook and I need to get to those. I loved the first one! I got Truth About You and Me last week. Enjoy them all!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

    Jessica@Lovin’ Los Libros

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