Book Blogger Confessions (8)

Posted June 3, 2013 by Lauren in Book Blogger Confessions / 7 Comments

Book Blogger Confessions
Book Blogger Confessions is a meme posted twice monthly(1st & 3rd Monday) where book bloggers share, discuss & confess book & blog related topics. 

Hosted by For What It’s Worth & Midnyte Reader.

Book Blogger Confessions

Lately the topic of blog tours/blitz/cover reveals seems to be popping up a lot and I was going to do a discussion post to put my two cents in so this weeks BBC topic comes at just the right time !!

To be honest I’m not entirely sure if participating drives traffic to my blog. I’ve noticed some posts have given me some new followers but then again that may have been merely coincidence.

I haven’t encountered any problems when hosting them thus far *fingers crossed*. Everytime I’ve participated has been a pleasant experience and I have actually gotten to interact with a lot of authors because I’ve participated!

As a follower I’m not turned off my these posts, no. If it doesn’t interest me, I don’t read but that goes for all blog posts. I do the same for book reviews or discussions I’m not interested in. I know that a lot of bloggers do not want to promote books they haven’t read but I think it’s a great opportunity to showcase books your interested in. When I participate, if I haven’t read the book, I clearly state that at the top. I think it’s no different from tweeting about books you’re excited about or memes where you talk about books your excited for. I also will only participate in promo posts if it’s something I’m going to add to my TBR. If I won’t add it, I won’t promote it.  Because of promo posts I have actually found a lot of books to add to my TBR, new auto buy authors and had great interaction.

And the hardest question: How much publicity is too much? It’s really hard to say. I remember a certain publicity campaign fairly recently that drove me nuts. A ton of bloggers had daily posts about the very same thing for weeks(or at least it seemed) and that got to be a bit irritating. I also don’t like when I’m “pushed” towards books on Goodreads. I find a lot of authors on Goodreads are constantly sending me “recommendations” but it’s really only for their own books and clearly something I wouldn’t be interested in. That being said most of the time publicity doesn’t bother me… I love freaking out about books as much as the next person. I just think you need to be aware of the fine line between promoting and spamming.

Phew… and those are my thoughts on that!

What does everyone else think?

Happy Reading!
xo Lauren

7 responses to “Book Blogger Confessions (8)

  1. I love your blogger confession posts. I am like you, I don’t mind tour posts if its a book I might be interested in. I haven’t participated in a tour yet but would be open to it. I dont know that I would want to host one and spend all week discussing/promoting the same book.

  2. I hardly ever participate in blog tours because I do feel the book should be of interest for me too. I do delete blogs though that only post tours and never a piece of their own hand but the occasional blog tour post does not bother me and if the book indeed is not interesting I just go to the next post.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. I wonder if its the same one I was thinking of that was done by bloggers. I actually asked someone who was apart of it, and she told me that yes the numbers were high and then dropped off. Yes it did feel like spamming.

    I also mentioned that to the publishers regarding another book campaign that a month is too long and that’s when siregate happened.

  4. Great answer!

    I don’t always read the books I promote. There have been a few that I don’t have time for or they just don’t appeal to me but I think my followers would be interested.

    It’s hard to have unique posts for a whole tour but I hope the organizers realize that similar posts for weeks on end are just a turn off. I would think most people just scroll past at that point.

  5. Most of the books I share on my blog I don’t get the chance to read, as of yet. They’re on my TBR list but just haven’t gotten to them because of other books. But then I do buy many of them and add them to the ever growing piles of to-reads.
    But I don’t think I’ll be able to host a tour~ too much work and sometimes it just gets out of hand. I don’t mind them but if they aren’t interesting to me I would just pass them by.
    But I am guilty of posting random stuff, or a lot of random stuff. XP

  6. Great post! I’m weaning myself off of blog tours now as there’s no real benefit for me (unless it’s one of my favorite authors). And yes about Goodreads recommendations! I’m getting at least one a day, in genres I don’t even read! I guess I need to be more selective in accepting friend requests, but I don’t want to limit myself either, so it’s turning into a problem. 🙁

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