November Wrap Up

Posted December 2, 2013 by Lauren in wrap up / 8 Comments

 November Wrap Up
Holy smokes! I cannot believe that November has come and gone! I had HUGE plans for November with organizing and reading… and well needless to say I got close to NOTHING that I wanted accomplished. Oh well, I had a lot of things to do outside of blogging and I got most of those things accomplished so it wasn’t a waste 🙂 My mother is here, and will be till the middle of the week so I am enjoying my time with her, mostly just relaxing and watching A LOT of movies! Tomorrow we are going Christmas shopping, and I’m hoping that because it’s a weekday it won’t be as busy. Luckily, my mother loves shopping so if we are there for hours roaming she doesn’t care at all! As she is here I’m trying to stay away from the computer as much as possible (which is so HARD!) so I’m sorry for the delay in commenting but I have seen everyone’s comments and appreciate them so much; I will be commenting back by the weekend so please bare with me!

December is always, historically, a great month for me. I have more time, as I always have quite a few days off in December and I usually spend most of that time reading, and relaxing with Nick. I hope to play a bit of catch up with reading and blogging in December, like I did last year so I can start the New Year off great. Here’s to hoping 🙂

Books Read
*Click for review (Goodreads link for all unreviewed books)

The Unseen  3:59  Finding It  Decked With Holly  Another Little Piece of My Heart  Crash Into You


Goodreads Challenge: Well… I’ve completed this one 🙂 I’ve read 117 out of my 115 goal!! I plan on reading at least 10 more books before the end of the year, so I’m excited to not only have completed my challenge but surpassed it! I will have to increase my goal number for 2013!

2013 TBR Pile Challenge: We are just not talking about this at this point. It’s a fail… there is no way I can complete this by the end of the year. I need some more planning…

2013 Debut Author Challenge: I’m after completing this challenge a few months ago but right now I stand at 19 out of 16 books read 🙂

Notable Posts & Events
Hands down my favorite event in November was participating in the Another Little Piece of My Heart tour. It’s a scavenger hunt, so each blog had a song hint which leads to a HUGE giveaway! I’m also hosting an individual blog giveaway so if you haven’t entered it’s open until December 5th!!

I posted my picks for Top Ten Sequels I Can’t Wait To Get My Hands On and the Top Ten Books I’d Recommend To My Mom. They were both so much fun trying to pick out which ones, I haven’t had that much fun doing top ten Tuesday in a while!

I posted another Lose Time Chatting… this time it was about my addiction to challenges. I am happy to say, that I am not the only one addicted 🙂 I had a lot of fun seeing what other people’s thoughts on challenges were. I hope to have more discussion posts in the new year and have already started drafting them!

I participated in The Thrill of It blitz (by Lauren Blakely). I haven’t had a chance to read it yet but I can’t wait to pick it up. This time last year I really got into New Adult contemporary romance so I’m hoping to rekindle that flame and read a few again this winter.

Besides my November reads I also posted my review for Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl. This wasn’t a total favorite like the first book, but I’m told the series gets better so I’m hoping!!

I was featured in Brittany’s Book and a Beverage feature this month as well! I was thrilled about that, and had so much fun planning out my picture and putting together the survey! It took me about 40 takes because I am seriously SO picky with photos but it was so much fun!

I participated in the Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon. It didn’t go great for me, I only finished one book and I had wanted to read too but I really enjoyed Decked With Holly. It was a fun, cute, Christmas-y read and it definitely put my excitement up a few notches 🙂 I also participated in The Monster Reviewathon. I didn’t get all of my goals completed because I became ill (I’m all better now!), but I did get quite a lot accomplished and I will definitely be participating in the next one!

The second edition of The Bookish Games have started and it’s HARRY POTTER THEMED 🙂 I waited up the evening for the sign up post to go live (yes… I really did!) because I had so much fun last time that I NEEDED to take part this time. It’s only the first week, but I am so excited! If you haven’t heard of these games, I highly suggest checking them out and being a spectator. Asti does a wonderful job of putting it together and it’s a ton of fun!

Some Blog Love
I am pretty far behind in my reader, I have barely been able to read any blog posts in Feedly and I’ve only just got caught up on my email subscriptions. I think that kind of worked in my favor because I have a TON of great posts to link to! I will be posting any others when I clean out my reader in December, so expect a big one then too!!

Phew! And that’s it for the wrap up! I hope everyone has a wonderful December 🙂 Link up your wrap up posts below!!!


8 responses to “November Wrap Up

  1. Thanks for mentioning my post! 🙂 Looks like you had an awesome month, even though you might not have gotten as much done as you had hoped. I also had big plans for November, and barely got anything done.

    I LOVED Deck with Holly. I read it last year, and it’s adorable! Did you like it?

    • You’re welcome Jana 🙂

      I thought that I was alone in that, but seeing everyone’s wrap ups, it seems like everyone felt November was a bit of a wash!

      I did love Decked with Holly! It was such a fun, cute read and SO quick… I had a great time reading it 🙂

    • You’re welcome Rebecca 🙂 Although I should be thanking YOU for the awesome reading material!! I love your discussion posts!! I’m glad to know that you aren’t great at the TBR either haha… sometimes I’m convinced that people are better at it… I feel alone, 🙂 That being said… I probably did one of the stupidest things on the planet.. I joined the 2014 one, HAHAHA. We will see 🙂

    • You’re welcome Anya 🙂 Hahaha… I know how exactly what you mean… every Sunday when Asti posts her wrap ups, I’m doing the same thing 😛

  2. I am behind on my blog reading and commenting too. With the holidays, I didn’t have time to plan for blog posts, so I am commenting and blogging every night. It is getting a bit crazy! 🙂

    • I know exactly how you feel Pamela! I’m trying to get caught up, and did a pretty good job of it this weekend. I hope to have everything scheduled for the week tonight, so at least I will be able to have time to comment this week! Otherwise it’s back to square one :S Thanks for visiting!!

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