Pages: 320
Published: September 24th 2013 by Harlequin Teen
Series: The Tudor Witch Trilogy #1
Source: Harlequin Teen via Edelweiss
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If she sink, she be no witch and shall be drowned.If she float, she be a witch and must be hanged.
Meg Lytton has always known she is different—that she bears a dark and powerful gift. But in 1554 England, in service at Woodstock Palace to the banished Tudor princess Elizabeth, it has never been more dangerous to practise witchcraft. Meg knows she must guard her secret carefully from the many suspicious eyes watching over the princess and her companions. One wrong move could mean her life, and the life of Elizabeth, rightful heir to the English throne.
With witchfinder Marcus Dent determined to have Meg’s hand in marriage, and Meg’s own family conspiring against the English queen, there isn’t a single person Meg can trust. Certainly not the enigmatic young Spanish priest Alejandro de Castillo, despite her undeniable feelings. But when all the world turns against her, Meg must open her heart to a dangerous choice.
I requested Witchstruck as soon as I seen that it was another paranormal historical fiction. I NEED more of this genre and since this one revolved around witches I just couldn’t resist.
I might have been in a bit over my head at first. I’m not well read in historical fiction, and the ones I do read aren’t centered around a certain era or time period. Or at least not reliant on that certain time period for facts. As soon as there was mention of The Tudor’s, Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I knew I had to do a bit of research, I was LOST. I spent a good hour reading up on this time period and I was enthralled. It was incredibly interesting so I couldn’t wait to get back into the book.
The main character Meg, was fantastic. I fell in love with her immediately. Despite the period it takes place in, she was really strong-willed and held her own. I also liked how she was a maid to the Princess Elizabeth but also a cherished friend. I loved their relationship and how Elizabeth, although she tried not to show it, was very close to Meg. I also adored Alejandro. I didn’t know what to make of him at first but throughout the story I fell in love with him. He was brave, handsome, strong and very protective. All redeeming qualities in a love interest I might add
I really enjoy when novels are about witch hunting. I’m always on the edge of my seat during these books because you are so nervous for the characters whenever they practice Magick! There was no short dose of Magick in this book either. It was lovely, even though it came in quick spurts.
One of my absolute favorite things about Witchstruck, other than the plot, was that there was no love triangle! The romance was sweet, a bit forbidden and it was their own. I didn’t have to worry about a third character hurrying in for competition, I could just sit back and see how the love story played out.
Victoria Lamb has her hooks in me with the Tudor Witch Trilogy! I loved her writing and I thought she perfected the time period wonderfully. The religious aspect, the modesty, the royal court. It was all done extremely well. And what an ending!! I am absolutely dying for the second book now. I need to know how this story continues, more Meg and Alejandro and I hope to see that miserable Marcus Dent gone.
No love triangle?! Sign me up. Seriously though, this sounds like a really fascinating read. I am glad to hear that you liked it.
I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I was so surprised there wasn’t a love triangle because they seem to be worming their way into every book but nope.. none here
And the romance aspect is very innocent and lovely!
This sounds awesome! I love books about witches, and the witches along with the Tudors sounds fascinating. Definitely adding to my to-read list now; thanks for sharing!
I’m glad it interests you Amanda
The Tudor aspect was definitely interesting, I might actually pick up an adult historical fic set in that era!!
This sounds awesome, totally agree we need more books in this genre! Great review!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Thanks Missie!!! It seems like 2014 is the year of the witches though, there are a ton of them coming up so I hope they are awesome
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