Stacking the Shelves (65)

Posted December 28, 2013 by Lauren in Stacking the Shelves / 19 Comments

Stacking the Shelves
Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books!

 Merry Christmas 🙂 I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! This was the strangest Christmas I have ever had in my life, hands down. We had a major ice storm hit the city last Saturday, and over 300,000 “customers” (which is actually a greater number of people because most high-rise apartments and condos are counted as 1) lost their power. We lost power at 8am on Sunday morning, and had it restored sometime between Christmas Eve night to Christmas Day afternoon. Over 23,000 people are still out of power ONE WEEK later, it’s absolutely depressing. It got majorly cold on Tuesday, so Nick and I decided to pack up with Simon(the cat!) and head to a hotel. it wasn’t the ideal Christmas, as we spent it in a hotel without our Christmas tree… I didn’t cook Christmas dinner… we didn’t open presents until Boxing Day, but it wasn’t terrible, and we certainly couldn’t complain because we were warm, full and comfy unlike a lot of other people. The only positive spin on this storm is the beautiful photography. If you have a few minutes, click the link above, the pictures are extraordinarily beautiful. It’s such a shame that something so stunning can be so, so devastating.

Despite that wrench in the week of Christmas, I did have a wonderful holiday, and I got a ton of AMAZING presents from both sides of our family and Nick. He has this insane ability to pick out exactly what he knows I want, every. single. time. He kept right on that trend this year, which I will show you at the bottom. On the book side of things, I got an absolute ton. Now that we are approaching 2014, I’m really going to sit down and figure out a system with this book intake.. possibly a book ban or a severe limitation. I can’t read this fast!!! Anyhow, onto the books…

Physical BooksThe Mockingbirds  Crash Into You  My Life Next Door  Second Chance Summer
The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney
*From my parents for Christmas
Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
*From my parents for Christmas
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
*From Melissa for Christmas, as my secret Santa!!!
Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
*From Melissa for Christmas, as my secret Santa!!!

My parents find it hard (obviously) to pick out books for me, so this year when my mother was here she told me to pick out some books and I selected The Mockingbirds and Crash Into You. The Mockingbirds was on a crazy discount of like 5.99 so that’s why I picked that one, and well… I needed to own a copy of Crash into You! Melissa from WriterGrrl Reads was my Secret Santa this year and she picked out these two contemporary lovelies!! I’ve wanted to read them for a while, as everyone says they are fantastic so I was so excited to receive those!! I’ve also posted a picture at the bottom of the entire gift from Melissa.

EbooksSisters In Love  Let It Snow  Touch of Frost
Sisters in Love by Melissa Foster
*Free on Kindle
Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson & Lauren Myracle
*Borrowed from the library
Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep
*Purchased on Kobo

 Sisters in Love sounded really good, and the winteryness of the cover grabbed my attention. I want to read some more adult fiction this year anyway, especially chick lit or romance as I used to really enjoy those, so this will be a good place to start. I have heard a ton of great things about Let It Snow, so I borrowed this one from the library to read over the holidays. Unfortunatly because of the story, I wasn’t able to download it onto my tablet until yesterday so it wasn’t exactly a Christmas read but I will be reading it for New Years! A Touch of Frost I got on a CRAZY discount from Kobo. They sent me a 90% coupon because I haven’t purchased anything in so long (most of their prices are not comparable to Amazon IMO) and I have wanted to read this series for a while so it was the perfect chance to grab it.

For RevewHeartbeat  We Were Liars  Witch Finder  Salt  Seeking Her
Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott
*Received for promo tour review from Kismet
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
*From Random House Children’s via Netgalley
Witch Finder by Ruth Warburton
*From Hachette Children’s Books via Netgalley
Salt by Danielle Ellison
*From Entangled Publishing via Netgalley
Seeking Her by Cora Carmack
*From William Morrow via Edelweiss

 I wanted to get Heartbeat SO badly when I first discovered it, so I was really excited to take part in the promo tour and have the chance to review it. I’m currently reading it now, so stay tuned for a review this week. We Were Liars is probably one of my most anticipated books of 2014 so I literally squealed when I got approved for this on Netgalley. It sounds amazing and I’ve heard a ton of great, early buzz on it! Witch Finder and Salt also sound really good. They will satisfy my need for witch books because I can never have enough AND Witch Finder is a historical paranormal fiction. *Swoon*. And finally, Seeking Her… I want to tie up this series and see how I feel about Kelsey. I didn’t like her in Finding It so I hope this one redeems her for me.

Secret  Santa
Here is the lovely secret santa gift from Melissa. It came in this super cute bag, and she also sent me an Owl 2014 planner (WHOO! She knows me so well, I adore owls… and organizing haha) and a pack of tissues for Second Chance Summer (haha!).

Canon Rebel
…AND I GOT A CANON REBEL! I have wanted one of these so badly for SO long, and Nick got it for me!! It’s the one with the lens kit, so I have a lot of practicing to do! He also got me a Kindle Paperwhite, which I am obsessed with. It is SO light and easy to read on. I love it. My tablet was killing my eyes, and it will be fine for library books or Kobo but most of my review copies are Kindle so this is perfect. He also got me a gift card to Chapters, and some other lovely bookish knickknacks but I am too lazy right now to take pictures 😛

How was your Christmas? Were you impacted by the ice storm? What books did Santa bring you?!?! Link up your posts!!!


19 responses to “Stacking the Shelves (65)

    • Thanks Christy! I want to read SCS soon, soon too but… I get like this with super sad books, I want to read them so badly but then I put them off because I don’t want to cry 😛 It’s a vicious cycle!

  1. You got so many great books! I just finished Let it Snow today and I really liked it, hope you will too! And I’ve also heard nothing but amazing things about We Were Liars! I would have squealed, too! Heart Beat sounds really good, too! 🙂

    • Yay, I’m glad to hear that you loved Let It Snow! I hope to start it tomorrow or the day after and I can’t wait. I’m reading Heartbeat right now, and I’m kind of torn over the MC. She’s SUPER whiney and negative, but then again her mother is essentially dead and being kept alive for a baby… so she definitely has a reason to be like that. We will see 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by Emily!!!

    • I hope you love the rest of the PTL limits series just as much 🙂 They are fantastic! Thank you for stopping by Theta and sorry for the long wait for a reply!

  2. Wow you got some great books for Christmas! I really want to read Second Chance Summer and My Life Next Door. And I am dying for We Were Liars! My request is still pending on NetGalley, so I hope I get approved! *crosses fingers* The weird thing is that I requested that book and another Random House one on the same day and was approved for the other one, but We Were Liars is still pending. Boo.

    • Ugh, Netgalley never has ANY method to their madness! Lol. I hope you get it as well Rebecca!! I’ve heard so many awesome things I can’t wait to pick it up.. I’m trying to plow through my review books as quick as I can to get to it 😛

  3. Sorry to hear that you didn’t have the Christmas you were hoping for. I’m from the UK and a lot of places had their homes flooded and no power over all of Christmas. I’m glad you got your power back quite quickly, I can’t imagine what it must be like for the people still without power. I hope the wonderful presents your husband got you made up for it! 🙂

    You got so many amazing books this week! I would definitely recommend My Life Next Door, I saw it on so many recommendation lists that I finally read it. It was well worth it and was one of my favourite reads of the year. I hope you enjoy them all 🙂 My STS.

    • Thank you 🙂 Despite all of that, my Christmas was still good!

      I can’t wait to read My Life Next Door, so many people have said it’s a favorite of the year so I cannot wait to dive into it!

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