Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where you showcase all of the books you received for the week, whether it be physical or electronic books!
Hi This week was somewhat uneventful because I’ve basically shut myself in the house, except for work and completely necessary errands… it was SO HOT! I detest the heat so I was more than happy to stay in with my A/C on high, curled up reading. I haven’t gotten a lot of books these past few weeks, which I am very proud of, and the ones that I have been getting I am doing a better job of reading!
Once again… I am so boring, I have nothing to say today haha, so onto the books…
None this week!
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Unmade by Sarah Rees Brennan
Redemption Bay by RaeAnne Thayne
Pretending to Be Erica by Michelle Painchaud
*Borrowed from the library
Darkness of Light by Stacey Marie Brown
Queen of Someday by Sherry D. Ficklin
*Free on Kindle
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
*Purchased on Kindle
Welcome to the Dark House by Laurie Faria Stolarz
*Purchased on Kobo
I was so excited to finally get The Girl on the Train. I was on the holds list for this for several months, and I was dying to see what the hype was all about. Well… I have already read it and LOVED IT. I completely devoured this book. I was using every spare moment of time I had to finish it. Definitely worth the hype, and I’ll have a review up soon! Unmade was another one that I devoured as soon as I got it. I read The Lynburn Legacy in one swoop so I actually read this the day I got it Redemption Bay I am SO EXCITED FOR! I loved Snow Angel Cove when I read it at the end of last year, so I am really looking forward to seeing what happens in this book. Pretending to Be Erica is a debut I have been really looking forward to. Surprisingly this was one of the titles that my library chose to have available for pre-ordered holds so I immediately went on the list to get it on release day! I should be reading this one later this week!
My sister recommended Darkness of Light to me because she recently read it and really loved it so since it was free I decided to snag a copy. Queen of Someday was kind of random but it was a freebie as well and the cover snagged my interest. I really like Russian historical fiction so I think this will probably be a win for me. I finally, finally decided to bite the bullet and get Vicious. I think I would have regretted it if I let this one pass me by at such a fantastic price! Welcome to the Dark House was a Kobo deal that I snagged. I had this on my TBR for so long, and I like to stock up on horror titles for Halloween
Reckless Hearts by Sean Olin
*From HarperCollins via Edelweiss
I was so excited to see Reckless Hearts up on Edelweiss! I really, really enjoyed Wicked Games when I read it last year so I’m really looking forward to this sequel.
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
*Free on SYNC
I will basically collect this book in whatever format/cover I can find so when I seen that this was the weekly SYNC download, OF COURSE I had to get it
What did you get this week?! Link up your book hauls!!!
I don’t know if I have told you this yet or not, but I am absolutely in love with your blog design. I am going to re-do mine soon (or maybe just tweak mine to make it a little more streamlined, and yours is everything I love about designs
And you got some great books this week. I hope you love darkness of light. I thought it was a great series!
I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy reading
Here’s my weekly wrap up
Michelle @ Book Briefs
Awesome haul of books this week. The Girl on the Train sounds really interesting.
Grace @ Books of Love
Great haul! The Girl on the Train sounds great. I also have a copy of Vicious but I haven’t read it yet. Have an awesome week.
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Thanks Krystianna !!! The Girl on the Train was SOOOOO good, it was totally worth all the hype that it got. It’s been a long time since I was totally pleased by a hyped book. I hope you have an awesome week too!!!
UGH it’s been so hot in my house too! I hope this summer passes quickly so we can curl up in blankets in the cold instead
Ohhh Lauren it sounds so hilarious still hearing you talk about summer lol! We’ve warmed up a bit here so it’s not too stark of a difference but it’s still winter. It makes me so excited that you loved the Girl on the Train! How fantastic was it? Oh man, read Vicious and then tell me how much you loved it