I was really excited to see Brittany’s post sharing the statistics survey that she and Andi are hosting! I love stats, in fact, right now I am in the process of building all kinds of fun and wonderful graphs from my reading stats last year so I couldn’t wait to fill this out!
Number of…
Number of books under 250 pages (not including novellas): 4
Number of books read between 400-449 pages: 10
Number of books read between 450-499 pages: 1
Number of books read over 500 pages: 3 (The All Souls Trilogy They are each over 500 pages!)
Number of books read over 1000 pages: 0!
Number of novellas read: 11 (includes The Assassin’s Blade novella’s)
Number of books that made you cry: 18 if I am counting correctly. I’m surprised it’s that low honestly haha. I spent a lot of tears on TV this year though haha.
Number of books from a female POV: Alright, so since the below is… what it is. That would mean I read 76 books from a female POV.
Number of books from a male POV: Oh wow, this is pathetic. 0. That’s right, ZERO! Gosh, I hope that changes in 2014!
Number of alternating or multiple POVs: Seriously, I have no idea. I tried to list them, but then I keep imagining that there was multiple POV’s in some of them that there wasn’t so… no answer for this haha.
Number of DNFs (did not finish): 1
Number of five star reads: 14!
Number of one/two star reads: 3
Number of authors met in 2014: 6! Emily Carroll, Nick Cutter, Lesley Livingston, Jonathan Lyr, Jim Gaffigan, and *swoon* Deborah Harkness!
Number of book events attended in 2014: Two, The Toronto Book Fair (Inspire!) and Fan Expo.
Number of books you read in one day: One. In 2013, I read sometimes 2 books a day on the weekend but this year my reading slowed way down. I hope to do it again this year though
Number of audiobooks: Hah. None, but I did attempt several and then put them away.
Number of 2015 books you have on pre-order: 0! I did have Never, Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher on preorder, but that was canceled recently.
Number of re-reads: 2! This wasn’t what I wanted it to be, but it’s certainly better than the year before so I will take it.
By The Books
Book with the highest rating on Goodreads: The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas (4.54)
Book with the lowest rating on Goodreads: This Summer by Katlyn Duncan (3.30)
Book read furthest away from home (vacation reads?): Ah, nothing. No vacation this year! (At least a traveling vacation)
Book that took you the longest to read: Definitely my reread of A Discovery of Witches. Not because I didn’t enjoy it just because I kept picking up new releases in place of my reread!
Book that you personally connected with the most: The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher
Book that made you love the villain: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Book you said you’d come back to but still haven’t picked up again: Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Book you read waaaay before its publication date: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. It wasn’t WAYYY before its publication date, but it was about 2 months before. Ok, yah, that is quite a bit before haha.
Book you read on your birthday: Wicked Games by Sean Olin
Book with a character who shares your name: None! I hardly ever see the name Lauren in books!
Book you weren’t entirely truthful about when rating (Fluff up any ratings? Rated even though you didn’t finish?): Um, nope I was definitely truthful in the ratings at the time. Now though, if I was to reread, upon further reflection and me being a bit harsher I think I would change some of them.
Book you read in 2014 but already want to re-read: Oh there are a few! First one would be My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick though.
Book you borrowed from a friend a long time ago and still have: None
Book by a foreign author/originally published in another country: Witchstruck by Victoria Lamb. I do believe this was originally published in the UK. Either way Victoria Lamb is from the UK!
Book you which you could go back and read for the first time again: Well this would totally be Harry Potter but I didn’t do a reread in 2014 SOOO… My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Most books read by one author this year: I have a three-way tie! Leigh Bardugo (The Witch of Duva, The Tailor & Shadow and Bone), Karen Ann Hopkins (Forever, Embers, and Lamb to the Slaughter) and Deborah Harkness (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and The Book of Life)
This & That
Happiest & saddest: Happiest was The Art of Lainey, and saddest was The Assassin’s Blade. Gosh, I sobbed reading that!
Longest & shortest: Longest was Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness and shortest (that wasn’t a novella) was We Were Liars.
Best & worst: Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell was definitely the worst and best was … The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness (if I really had to choose from my favorites).
First & last reads of 2014: First book was Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi and the last book was Mistletoe and Mr. Right by Lyla Payne
First & last books on your bookcase (1st book on the top left and last book on the bottom right): Haha, I can’t even answer this question right now because I have half of my books pulled off the shelf to reorganize. I got a ton of books since the first of December so I need to put them on and also I ran out of room on my TBR shelf so I’m trying to figure out what to do with the others, but still retain my alphabetical order! So… a skip on this one
The most disappointing & the biggest pleasant surprise: The most disappointing was probably We Were Liars. It was hyped so much and I just really didn’t see the appeal when I finished it. The biggest pleasant surprise was The Art of Lainey. Probably because I had zero expectations of it and it completely swept me up!
Bandwagon/fandom you joined & one you abandoned: I definitely joined the Throne of Glass bandwagon. I LOVE that series! I didn’t really abandon any that I can think of right now, not of any of the books I read in 2014 anyway.
Most lenient & harshest ratings: My most lenient was probably Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell, if I was to rate it now I’d probably give it *gasp* one star instead of my generous 2 star haha. My harshest rating was probably Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White. I liked that book (I gave it three stars) but I think if I was to reread and rate again it would probably move up to a 4 star in hindsight.
Most hyped & furthest under the radar that you read: Most hyped was definitely We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, gosh that book got a lot of hype this year. Furthest under the radar is harder to pick because I read a lot of books that I didn’t see mentioned a ton, first to mind is probably Wicked Games by Sean Olin. I really enjoyed that one but didn’t see a ton of reviews on it!
Grab Bag
Book you read that is red: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
Book you read that starts with M: Made For You by Melissa Marr
Book you read that you may have hugged when you finished it: Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern
Book you read that you may have wanted to throw across a room: Anatomy of a Misfit by Andrea Portes
Book that has the letters Q, X, or Z in the title (bonus for one of the words in the title beginning with those!): Hexed by Michelle Krys
Book that suffered some damage this year (food? water? ripped pages/cover? Ouch!): Well, I haven’t read this one but the dust jacket of What I Thought Was True got a bit torn somehow
Food you craved while/after reading a certain book: I crave Ringolo’s whenever I am reading for some reason!
First book you read in 2015: Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little (talk about starting the year off right!!)
Number of books read that end with a 6 in the page count: 15
Blogging Life
Number of posts in 2014: 168
Number of reviews posted this year: 69
First post of 2014: 2013 End of Year Book Survey
First review of 2014: Pawn by Aimee Carter
Last post of 2014: Top Ten Goals & Resolutions for 2015!
Last review of 2014: Suspicion by Alexandra Monir
Least coherent review: Oh, Shadow and Bone! I rambled and rambled in that review haha.
Review with the most views (regardless of post date): Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins!
Post with the most comments: Top Ten Tuesday #62 – Top Ten Things on My Bookish Bucket List
Post you wish you could re-write: Hard to choose, but I would say probably one of my reviews. I always think of things DAYS after the review is already posted
Most popular post this year (that was posted in 2014): Tips from an Organizer – Organizing Feedly!
Phew! That was so fun! Did you fill out the statistics survey? If you did, please link up your post so I can check out your answers also!
Oh god don’t even mention The Assassin’s Blade. TEEARRRRSSS. That last novella kills me every time.
YAY for Leigh Bardugo! And omg, The Assassin’s Blade. I was so, so, so sad. So happy and sad all at the same time haha!
We Were Liars was a bit too hyped for me too
Thanks so much for doing the survey!!!