Top Ten Tuesday (88)

Posted January 13, 2015 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 12 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

 Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To

Oh, 2014… the year of good intentions! I seriously expected to have read each and every one of these books by now. As I was making up this list I was nearly gasping because I’m so shocked, judging by how excited by most of them I was, that I haven’t read these. Oh, the bookish woes we all have 😛 I’m definitely going to be picking these up in 2015 … especially since I plan on reading through my own TBR this year!!

Ashes to Ashes  Black Ice  What I Thought Was True  Cress  Take Me On 
1. Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian
2. Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick
3. What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick
4. Cress by Marissa Meyer
5. Take Me On by Katie McGarry

Ashes to Ashes is probably the biggest shock out of this bunch. I can’t believe I still haven’t read it yet considering how the second book went. Black Ice was one that I was itching for after my intense love for the Hush, Hush saga. It’s been so long since Becca Fitzpatrick had a new release so why am I still waiting? I loved My Life Next Door so much that I immediately had to pick up What I Thought Was True and again didn’t read it. And both Cress and Take Me On are shockers. One, I die for Katie McGarry… and this is still unread. And well Cress. I thought for certain I would have read this immediately and obviously I didn’t 😛

 Ruin and Rising  Don't Look Back  Maybe Someday  Breakable  The Lovely and the Lost
6. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
7. Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout
8. Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
9. Breakable by Tammara Webber
10. The Lovely and the Lost by Page Morgan

Wow, Ruin and Rising. Well… I expected to read this because I also expected to read Siege and Storm. Obviously neither happened but this is definitely a series that I will be finishing in 2015! Don’t Look Back was actually on my must read list last spring and clearly that went awry. Maybe Someday and Breakable are both HUGE shockers. Actually as I write this I’m still surprised that I haven’t picked them up yet, Colleen Hoover is one my favorite authors and Easy is one of my all time favorites! And finally… The Lovely and the Lost. Why, oh why haven’t I read you yet? The Beautiful and the Cursed was an absolute WIN for me in 2013 and I couldn’t wait for this sequel!

So… my goal is to finish these ones in 2014. If I wanted to read them so badly there had to be a reason for this, why I am letting them go to the back burner?!

What books did you not get to in 2014? Are any of yours the same? Link up!


12 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday (88)

  1. AHHHH! What I Thought Was True, Cress, and Take Me On ALL need to be on your TBR! Adored all of them, especially Cress. Because Carswell Thorne is a magnificent human being 😉

    My best friend forced me to read Maybe Someday, and I honestly don’t know what took me so long! It really was amazing, and I thought one aspect of the book was handled SO well, even though I normally can’t stand it in other books.

    • GOSH, I have no idea why I haven’t read Cress realistically when I think about it haha. I’ve heard so much about Thorne… eek. I need to read this soon.

      YES! I’m so excited to read Maybe Someday soon… I really need to get back to reading my favorite authors and take a break from the new to me ones 😛

  2. Maybe Someday was my favorite read in 2014 so I hope you make time for that soon.
    I also wanted to read Take Me On but sadly didn’t get around to it even though I also really enjoy Katie’s books.

  3. You didn’t read Cress???? Get going!! Omg I have so much love for that series and I am DYING to get my hands on Fairest and Winter. Don’t Look Back was really good as well!

    I definitely meant to binge read the Grisha Trilogy this year and then didn’t… fail.

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