Top Ten Tuesday (91)

Posted February 17, 2015 by Lauren in Top Ten Tuesday / 3 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is  a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Ten Book Related Problems I Have

This topic was so fun! I have a load of ‘problems’ when it comes to books, no matter how pointless and silly they are. I am a total organizational/neat freak so most of my issues with books spawns from that 😛

1. My Bookshelves Have to Be in Alphabetical Order

They have to be. I cannot have them just thrown on there willy-nilly, although I love when others do it, (because they mostly have hardbacks together and that looks oh so splendid!) so whenever I want to put a book on the shelf, it often involves a lot of rearranging. I have my books divided into three sections: read books, read non-fiction books, and TBR books. And each one is sorted alphabetical by authors last name. Normally I wait until I have a considerable stack before I put books on the shelf because of the length of time it takes me to slide them around and rearrange.

2. TBR Shelf Problems

This issue in itself is embarrassing honestly, but how to separate my TBR books has been consuming my thoughts whenever I go into my book room. I have my shelves divided so that I have my read books on one side of the room and then on the other side, where my daybed is, is my TBR shelf. The exact amount of wall space was left after my daybed was put in, to fit exactly one of my bookshelves. The issue stands is that now I have NO ROOM on my TBR shelf. I have no idea what to do. My bookroom is the smaller room in our condo so there isn’t any excess space, but I want all my TBR books together and all my read books together. Right now I’m torn between buying a smaller bookcase to put under the window in place of the end table (which would be beside the TBR bookshelf) or just sucking it up and putting my TBR books on the last few shelves of the other bookcases. I haven’t decided yet so I have a towering pile of books in there. Ridiculous, I know.

3. Cover Changes

Cover Changes make my brain hurt. I HATE THEM. I like all my series to match and it just irks my soul. It hasn’t happened too often yet, but the one that sticks out to me is Crewel by Gennifer Albin. Not only do I hate that the cover changed after the first book, I really dislike the new covers. So I have books two and three in the new covers and book one in the beautiful, stunning first cover. I’ll be honest, I will probably purchase the new covers if it happens to another series :/

4. Hardcovers Not Being Available

This is my most rage inducing book issue. I prefer hardbacks. I just like the way they look on my shelves, and they are more visually appealing to me with the dustjacket, spine, etc. I absolutely cannot stand when the first book in a series is released in paperback and then the hardcover is nowhere to be freaking found! I discover (or just end up reading) a lot of series waaaay after they are released, or I read the first book on library ebook and love it so I purchase the second book only to not be able to find the first book in hardcover. I know I can just order it online, but shipping is expensive, so I wait to purchase a few at a time. Then I have to call my property management to get my package out of the office because I work during the day when they are open, and that embarrasses me. It’s a whole situation haha. I just want to be able to walk into a bookstore and grab my shiny hardback and go about my day 🙂

5. What to Read Next

I spend more time than the average person deciding what book to read I think. I just stare at the shelf. Then I will grab one and then pick another one. Then I’ll start on an ebook. It takes too long, I’m way too indecisive. And until recently this has been happening but lately I just finish a book and immediately know what genre/book I want to read next so it’s been easier. Maybe I’m getting out of this habit 🙂

6. The Daunting TBR

It just scares me. I have WAY too many TBR books at this point. I have basically stopped being grabby hands this year and getting all the books when I have so many to read but sometimes I just want to cry thinking about all the books that I probably won’t be able to read in my life. Just looking at how many books I have listed as want to read on Goodreads (that I don’t own) is just sad :'(

7. The Library

This kind of plays into #6, but I have this issue with requesting library books, waiting until the last minute, not getting them finished, they get auto returned (ebooks/audiobooks) and then me going back on the holds list. And then sometimes it even happens again. I have huge time management issues when it comes to them haha. And I do it over and over and over again!

So there we have it… those are my book related ‘problems’. There is only 7, although that’s quite enough because sometimes those stress me out enough as it is 😛

What are your book related problems/issues? Tell me!!


3 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday (91)

  1. I HATE cover changes too but if pubs do this they should at least go back and redesign the early books. I have more of a problem when they don’t. And I will forever have the hardcover vs paperback debate because I think both formats have pros and cons. When there is only one format to buy it tends to make my choice easier but it’s also annoying when I want a book in hardcover and there is only paperback. Great list!!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  2. #5-7 seem to always go together many times. And I am picky about how my books are shelved too. No one even tries to put books away anymore. There is a spot next to the tv for books to go and then I shelve them so I know they will get put away properly. It is the one area that makes people think I am OCD. Here’s My TTT

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